Week after week, new evidence screams to Americans that the right wing has brought us to a state of emergency. I keep monitoring the news and blog pages looking for new adherents to what you and I believe -that disunion is where we are headed. When the critical mass of adherents is reached, the numbers will probably explode.

But at this stage, still "deer in the headlights" for most people, not many are thinking that far ahead yet.

In the meantime I am glad that you are still fleshing out details.

In this post, it seems to me you have stated another new reason we are headed for disunion. -That the Supreme Court is already taking us there, so finishing the process will become very, very sensible. For example, in blue cities stranded in red states, federal programs that make life tolerable in spite of ultraconservative state government will soon be eliminated by the Supreme Court, so the citizens will already be depopulating those cities and moving to blue states. So there is no argument that disunion will cause that flight from those cities. -It will already have been underway before disunion.

-Mike Monett ( My recent essay on disunion: https://ohioprogressivelife.com/?p=290 )

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Another point you made in this post was this: "I suspect that the success of the Republican party over the next few years may lie in how focused they are on states rights versus imposing their views (especially on social issues) on the nation."

-I see this as VERY important, and I think it probably means we should not assume the window of opportunity for a peaceful disunion will stay open very long. Here is the somewhat scary argument I made about this to my sister in a recent email:

"50% of Republicans want disunion now, simply because they despise us, and they have not yet started tasting blood. When they start tasting blood, they will be against disunion, because it will allow blue states to escape the terrorism and persecution they will unleash.

So, I think disunion discussion and implementation should begin now, and should really ramp up as soon as they take congress again on November 8th. Once they steal the presidency in 2024, it will be too late, because the Republicans will no longer be for disunion, but instead will be for keeping the rest of the population trapped in their dictatorship so they can be tormented.

Disunion will still have to happen, even if it can't be done before 2024. But after that, it will have to be done via civil war, with the blue places declaring independence, and then being attacked by the Republicans with all the hundreds of millions of guns they already have. I can't think of how urban populations can arm by then to resist the thugs, since the thugs had such a head start, arming themselves ever since about 1977, when the NRA became a radical lobbying group instead of a gun safety group. So I fear it will not be a civil war at all, but rather an ethnic cleansing and holocaust in all our cities."

-I said these things because I live just north of Orlando, Florida every winter. So, I just witnessed the wrath rained down on Disney by DeSantis, who you mentioned, and his other vengeful recent actions. This is the kind of autocrat that would definitely want his enemies trapped in a 50 state dictatorship rather than wanting any kind of peaceful disunion.

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Finally, here is a bit of evidence I noticed today showing the new zeitgeist is permeating the United States:

The list of new books available at my library suddenly includes three biographies about resistors to fascism in Europe eighty years ago. -People know in their bones we are on the verge of reliving that nightmare here. They know after the horrifying details we saw in this week's January 6th hearings, the Taliban-like Supreme Court decisions yesterday and the day before, and the clear indications that Republicans want MORE gun violence, not less, because it causes the chaos they want to spread, which is a PURE fascist tactic.

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...And let's not forget the vivid horror of Putin's invasion of Ukraine which also saturates the news every day, showing the kind of hell Republicans support, and reminding us that their cult leader Trump fawned over Putin during his entire four years, and still does.

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